Humam Hossain

The purpose of this portfolio website is to quickly become familiar with my few projects and general information about me.
Access contact links for more details and a possible collaboration.

About Me

Hi, I'm Vasile - a frontend developer from Moldova, Republic of. I have studied computer science at Technical University of Moldova where I definitely fall in love with the frontend part of web development. When I start my journey in IT, I have headed myself to WordPress and I have worked in this field for almost 4yrs. As a WP developer I gain positive reputation for quality work, timely construction, and finishing projects at estimated budget. Meanwhile I was looking for new opportunity and challenges, so I have started to learn React in parallel. In 2022 I have pushed myself to a new challenge - to become a React developer. And this thing brought me the expected results.

Currently I am a skilled and passionate frontend developer with 4yrs+ of experience in building user interfaces for CRM’s and SPA's, website redesign, converting templates made by designers into amazing and vivacious websites. I also love learning new things and progressing alongside ambitious and adaptable people. Every work I start, I do with passion and the thought that it will be useful to the end users.

Latest Projects



NextJS project built-in using Hasura GraphQL, Magic link, Youtube API, ChakraUI that allows visitor to watch, like, unlike and save videos to favourites



Simple CRUD books system using Firebase/Firestore, Material UI, React, React Hook Form, React Router v6 and all these things bundled by vite

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

My personal portfolio project. This is my first NextJS project built after I have watched a NextJS crash course. I have chosen this technology because I fall in love with React and Next.js



Cryptocurrency app is my best React application so far. It's built up using Ant design, RTK Query, ChartJS, Coinranking and Bing News API. I have learnt a lot of interesting technologies like RTK Query, ChartJS as well as integrating custom features into Ant components like filter/sorting data, view blocks as list/grid or implementing load more component.

React Todo/Blog

React Todo/Blog

When I have commenced to learn React JS, I built this nice and cool React application. It combines a Todo and blog components as well as contact. The whole stack is pointed below.



Have you heard about CommerceJS? No?! Well, it's time to try it out. It's a product, cart and checkout tooling for developers, a headless commerce backend solution. JKommerce is my experiment using this cool tool.

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I've worked with the following technologies in the web development world. Now I'm focused to React/Next.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    JavaScript - React/Next

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Next, Wordpress

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    PS, XD, Zeplin, Figma, Avocode

  • Other Tools

    Experience with
    WordPress CMS, Jira, Trello, Git